Apostolate and Ministries of the Trinitarians in the U.S.A.
Brief history of the apostolate and ministries of the Trinitarians in the USA: When they first came to this country, they ministered in Italian speaking parishes that were located in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. After immigration from Italy subsided in the early 1930's the Trinitarians began to accept any parish that bishops would grant them to staff in CA, TX, IL, MD, LA, NY and Ontario, Canada. Following a trend among religious orders in USA, in 1946 they established De Matha Catholic High School and the non-existent Trinity College. After Second Vatican Council the Church called the religious orders to revise their lifestyle and ministries in conformity with the Order's pristine spirit and apostolate so, the American Trinitarians with the approval of their superiors involved themselves in apostolates like prison ministry, hospital chaplaincies, ministry to persecuted Christians, foreign missions, shelter for homeless and spiritual retreat ministry.
Contributed by Sr. Coraly