Testimony of the Power of the Holy Trinity
Contributed by Rosendo L.
John 9:6-7
"And having said this, he spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva, and smeared the clay on his eyes, and said to him, 'Go wash in the pool of Siloam' (which means Sent). So he went and washed, and came back able to see."
Day 6 Post-SMILE Procedure Update:
Just had my 1-week post-procedure exam, and I'm thrilled to report 20/20 vision already! It's incredible how quickly things are progressing. My healing of corneal tissue is going really well, with no signs of complications. The first few days post-procedure were crucial, but now it's smooth sailing towards perfect vision and no complications. Over the next 3-6 months, my vision should continue to improve, possibly reaching 20/15.
This experience has been truly life-changing. The other day, a good friend reached out to ask “How are you feeling?” He was curious to not only see how recovery was going, but how I felt not having to reach for glasses or my contacts. I told him, I had an extreme spiritual story to compare the feeling to. I don’t mind being vulnerable to share with you all as well.
I can't help but liken it to the miracle of Jesus healing the man with blindness. As a kid, I struggled with poor vision and the bullying that came with it, which deeply affected my confidence. I was called “four eyes”, “Urkel”, you name it. It really had damaged my spirits as a kid. So much so when I moved to Maryland for High School, one of my best feelings was knowing a fresh start where no one knows me and cannot call me those names, because I was wearing contacts by then. Even then, the thought of always making sure I only wore my contacts, never my glasses to school, kept me insecure. It remained through my young adult years, and even up to these last months.
But now, with clear vision, I feel liberated from those insecurities, released of the captivity in my heart. It's like seeing the world anew, just as the man healed by Jesus must have felt. That’s why it’s a spiritual journey comparison to me. There is just no other way to describe it.
As a Novice within the Third Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Captives (Third Order Trinitarians), we are taught to look for ways of releasing the captivity in our hearts, and helping others to find ways and guide them to be able to do the same. Let this story, in the modern world, be an inspiration to any that can relate, and potentially afford them the opportunity to be liberated from any insecurities that dwell within them. Glory Be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, the Most Holy Trinity.
May God continue to Bless You in all ways.
Your Brother-in-Christ
Rosendo L.