Testimony of God's Faith Within Us
Contributed by Rosendo L.
Mark 10:27
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.’”
Jeremiah 30:17
“For I will restore your health; I will heal your injuries—oracle of the LORD. ‘The outcast’ they have called you, ‘with no avenger.’”
7/1/2023 - Reflection
To think, based on the rules of this world, this could have and should have been my last picture with our daughter, is a true testament of the healing power of God. For those that didn’t know, I was hospitalized the day after this picture was taken. The health challenges that I experienced started a few hours after this picture was taken and because they did not resolve, I was taken to the hospital via ambulance. It wasn’t known at the time and missed by doctors during hospitalization, but I experienced a life threatening event called Hypertensive Encephalopathy as a result of my Blood Pressure was too high for a period of time.
We knew then I should have had a Stroke or Heart Attack but thanks to God, I didn’t. The last 15 months have been a struggle, as I navigate through short term memory, cognitive impairment, including balance. Finally after seeing a long line of specialists, I found a Dr. who has 30+ years experience in this realm and between functional computerized testing and DWI Brain MRI, we found the true cause of my symptoms as White Matter Disease. I am now on the proper meds to help improve, and doing the best to manage Blood Pressure, to prevent this disease from progressing.
While there is no worldly cure for this disease, I know the hands of God are at work, because based on mortality rates for all the combined mentioned, I made it past the reported 90% mortality rate. Two of my Drs. have even said only by miraculous means did I defy the medical odds, since I was not treated properly at the time of hospitalization. I remember during my hospitalization, going into deep meditative prayer, asking our Father if it was his will to give me more time with my family. He did more than just that and has not stopped.
While the days ahead will still be faced with many challenges and if you look into the progression of White Matter Disease, my future looks grim, I still trust in the Lord to be beyond all worldly things and know he will continue to deliver me. I know that this is also one very big testimony to really inspire others on just what it means to have Faith and trust in the Lord. Glory Be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, the Most Holy Trinity. Amen.
May God continue to Bless You in all ways.
Your Brother-in-Christ
Rosendo L.
#DivineHealing, #MiracleHealing, #FaithOverFear, #GodsGrace, #HealingPower, #BlessedByGod, #GodsMiracle, #FaithJourney, #PrayerWorks, #GodIsGood, #HealingTestimony, #SavedByGrace, #PowerOfPrayer, #MiracleWorker, #TrustInGod, #GodsPlan, #HealingHands, #FaithAndHealing, #GodsTiming, #PraiseGod, #AgainstAllOdds, #SurvivingByFaith, #GodsWill, #HealingFaith, #MiracleSurvivor