Prayer for Intercession of our Holy Fathers John and Felix

A prayer invoking the intercession of our holy Fathers John and Felix
that goes back centuries in the Order. Contributed by: Brother Kevin, O.SS.T.,Ter.

V. Let us pray.

O God,
through our holy Fathers John and Felix
You divinely inspired the foundation of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity
to redeem captives from the power of the Saracens.
Through their prayers,
grant that we may be delivered
from all captivity of body and soul.
Through Christ, our Lord.

R.      Amen.


Deus, qui per Sanctos Patres nostros Ioánnem et Felícem, Ordinem
Sanctíssimae Trinitátis ad rediméndum de potestáte Saracenórum
captívos caélitus instituére dignátus es ; praesta quaésumus, ut eórum
sufragántibus méritis, a captivitáte córporis et ánimae, te adiuvánte,
liberémur. Amen.

The TrinitariansComment