Father Kurt Klismet, O.SS.T.

Our Trinitarian Biography for February 2023 is Father Kurt Klismet, O.SS.T. from Maryland.

***Please pray for him during this month as you enjoy his replies.***

Father Kurt was ordained on September 28, 2002, at Jesus the Good Shepherd in Owings Mills, Maryland. His favorite aspect of his priesthood is doing what he can to assist those who are persecuted for their faith.

If Father Kurt had not become a priest, he most likely would have gone into the family business in the fields of accounting and management.  He has assisted in local parishes and other chaplaincies and as Secretary Provincial, Director of Vocations and Director of Postulants. Father Kurt is currently serving as Treasurer Provincial, Director of Advancement and President of S.I.T., USA.

Father Kurt's most memorable moments in his priesthood are the joy of helping people return to the Faith after a long absence.

On a personal note, Father Kurt has many favorite foods but listed Sauerbraten, cabbage rolls, sweet and sour red cabbage, beets, vegetable soup and Black Forest Cherry Torte. In his spare time, Father Kurt enjoys reading, studying and researching Trinitarian history, doing genealogical work, cooking and spending time with his family in Wisconsin.

During the month of February, please remember Father Kurt Klismet, O.SS.T. in your daily prayers!

Glory to The Most Holy Trinity,

Linda Armour, O.SS.T., ter.

Thank you, Father Kurt! GLORY TO THE TRINITY.        

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